Thai massage done on mat is another effective way to work the whole body that can be gentle or deep depending what the client prefers.
Bring your own yoga-like clothing to receive firm pressure that includes compression, stretches, and working on energy lines from my hands, palms, elbows, feet and knees while being stretched and pulled into a relaxed state.
Thai massage typically starts on the legs and works the whole body in several positions.
Thai massage has been taught and practiced in Thailand for approximately twenty-five hundred years. Although the origins are somewhat vague, credit for Thai massage is given to a famous Indian doctor, Shivago Komarpaj, who was the personal physician of the Buddha and Magadha king. Historically, manipulation was one of four major branches composing traditional Thai ceremonies or magical practices. This is based on the theory the body is made up of seventy-two thousand sen, or energy lines, of which ten hold top priority. Thai massage also involves peripheral stimulating, meaning it acts as an external stimulant to produce specific internal effects. This point serves as the main division between Thai and Western massage. Thai massage is practiced on a firm mat on the floor instead of on a table, instrumental in the effective use of the practitioners body weight. Except for the feet, the client remains fully clothed, so draping is not necessary.